Many things have changed in the years, nay, centuries since modern tile siding and roofing became popular. There have been advances in so many areas of home and general building design and construction that looks to the past, outside of aesthetic reasons, have been...
Have you ever heard of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)? You’re not alone in perhaps not knowing what that is, but they are chemicals found in many things we use from carpet cleaner to surface disinfectant to air fresheners to paint. In reality, this does more harm...
Before you ask yourself “what is sick building syndrome?”, I want you to take a personal inventory of what your is health like? Right now. If, after your personal health inventory, you acknowledge that you have been sick often, and you spend the majority of your time...
The basement. Home to a myriad of things we put away for storage, college kids using it a “pad”, and as a not-so-secret “underground lab” for when we need to work on special projects that may or may not be picked up by big business. But it can also be a breeding...
As seasons change, so do the needs of family household. In the winter, for example, you’re more likely to turn the inside of your home into your children’s playground, as winter storms and frigid weather make outside play impossible. Letting your children...
Oftentimes, we take the act of breathing for granted and forget that what we breathe inside our own homes is not always as clean and clear as the air outside. Sometimes what we think we know about outside pollutants and chemicals can cause us to remain indoors,...